We are a Czech real estate investment group specializing in investments in residential and commercial properties. Our mission is to provide a trustworthy and transparent environment for everyone looking to effectively grow their finances and invest.

mld. CZK
Managed Portfolio Value

Q4 2024

Successfully on the Market

We invest in buildings that demonstrate long-term value growth and are located in areas closely connected with urban life and culture. We breathe new life into historic buildings as well. Our investment strategy focuses on creating stable values that provide a solid foundation for reliable investments in the future.

Safety a stable return for your future

With our extensive experience in executing construction projects and managing properties, we offer our clients secure and stable investment opportunities with long-term profit growth.

% p.a.
Expected Return

Expected performance is an estimate based on current market conditions and does not guarantee future returns.

We offer you the opportunity to participate in a sophisticated strategy focused on sustainable investments in residential projects designed for rental housing, ensuring long-term stable and secure growth of your finances.

Bond financing

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Public bond issues, approved by the Czech National Bank, serve as an investment in carefully selected and vetted projects, in which we invest our own funds.

Fidurock is

Real estate portfolio

In our portfolio, you will find a well-thought-out combination of existing commercial properties or shopping centers, residential properties, and new construction projects.

Our Brands
